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spindle/knuckles for a 67/68 Imperial
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:39 pm
by Sluggo
Changed bearings and hubs/rotors (finished the AAJ brake conversion) on the front end of my '67 and as I spin the rotor on the passenger side, I get a faint but irritating rumble at the same point every rotation. If my ear isn't right next to it, I can't hear it and if holding a lug I can feel it. Swapped the outer bearings but not the inner - as the seals were already seated with no diffrence. I can't believe the new bearing is bad - so Me, being Eeyore, go right to a bent spindle. Before I call Murray Park or Martin in Az - I thought I'd see if there is any collective experience to tell me I'm a dope. Happy New Year!
Re: spindle/knuckles for a 67/68 Imperial
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:41 pm
by ImperialAtom
Can't tell from what you described... did you or did you not replace the inner bearings? If not, I would start there before trying to replace a whole spindle.
I have no experience on the topic of a bent spindle, but just thinking through it, if the spindle was bent, I would assume it would make a noise all the time. If the bearings are good then a bent spindle would rub at them the wrong way at all points of the rotation. If the bearings are bad, then they would only have gravity pulling on the bad spot at only one point of the rotation, which sounds like what you are describing. Again, I'm no expert, just thinking through it.
Re: spindle/knuckles for a 67/68 Imperial
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:58 am
by Sluggo
Thanks Imperial Atom, I did change the inner bearings, but didn't swap from side to side mid-process. The more I think about it, the inner bearings slid right off and on, a bent spindle it seems would hang them up. I'll buy another bearing and see, a $15.00 investments will be worth it.