WANTED 1962 LeBaron

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Re: WANTED 1962 LeBaron

Post by slantflat »

0614201630_HDR (1) (copy).jpg
1962 LeBaron
1956 C73

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Re: WANTED 1962 LeBaron

Post by slantflat »

Brilliant. It's really easy he said.
1962 LeBaron
1956 C73

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Re: WANTED 1962 LeBaron

Post by ImperialAtom »

Sorry about the weird rotation. Seems there is a problem in the board software with the version that's currently installed. It's only an error with the thumbnails - if you click your image it will display the right way.

I'll look at upgrading to the latest version of the software that is supposed to fix that.

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Re: WANTED 1962 LeBaron

Post by ImperialAtom »

The fix on the latest version did not solve the image rotation for your image issue. That image was a very weird image where typical images would start the pixels in the top left of the image, but your image they start in the bottom right. Anyway, I downloaded it, rotated it, and it looks great now. Will keep searching to see if there's a fix for this strange rotation style. Would be nice if it just worked. :)

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